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Pope Francis has requested that Roman Catholic priests be given the right to get married.
The request applies to priests in Brazil, and is on the agenda for an upcoming synod (church council) in the Amazon region.
small number of married Roman Catholic priests already exist, including
previously married Anglican vicars who have joined the church.
A request to lift the ban on marriage was made by Brazilian bishop
Cardinal Claudio Hummes, who reportedly asked the Pope to consider ‘viri
probati’, meaning married of great faith, as priests.
Derry priest Father Paddy O’Kane suggested that Pope Francis may move to
end celibacy earlier this month, saying there was support amongst the
church for the idea.
Fr O’Kane cited Brazilian liberation theologian Leonardo Boff, who said:
“The Brazilian bishops, especially the pope’s own personal friend
Cardinal Claudio Hummes, have expressly requested Pope Francis to enable
married priest in Brazil to return to pastoral ministry.
“I have recently heard that the pope wants to fulfil this request – as
an experimental, preliminary phase for the moment confined to Brazil.”
Earlier this year the Pope told Die Zeit newspaper: ‘We must consider if ‘viri probati’ is a possibility. Then we must determine what tasks they can perform, for example, in remote communities.’
Earlier this year the Pope told Die Zeit newspaper: ‘We must consider if ‘viri probati’ is a possibility. Then we must determine what tasks they can perform, for example, in remote communities.’
Francis and his predecessor Benedict XVI have both stated that celibacy
is not a matter of inflexible church dogma unlike, and could be debated.
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